Page 7 - Sakata-Brochure-Uk_general
P. 7


       Primo Cabbage

       Primo Cabbage
                                                               ELISA F1

                                                               X X  Elisa F1 is a first early cabbage maturing in 60-65 days
                                                                 from June to July.
                                                               X X  Elisa F1 has a bright colour and gives good results under
                                                                 fleece or plastic.
                                                               X X The head shape is round with a head weight of 0.6-0.8kg.
                                                               X X Elisa F1 has an excellent sweet flavour.
                                                               X X Elisa F1 can be used to produce mini heads.

       CANDISA F1

       X X Candisa F1 follows Elisa F1 in maturity by 7-10 days.
       X X  Candisa F1 performs consistently and produces excellent quality
        throughout the summer months.

       X X  Successional sowings can be made to provide continuity of Candisa
        F1 from July to September.
       X X  The head shape is round with a head weight
        of 0.8-1.0kg.
       X X  Internal quality, together with an extra short core,
        maximise useable leaf, this together with a truly
        sweet flavour offers real consumer benefits.

                                                 MONALISA F1

                                                 X X  New Primo type cabbage, production from July to October.
                                                 X X  Monalisa is a very uniform and attractive cabbage with a round head

                                                 X X  The head has a short core and a beautiful dark green colour.
                                                 X X  The field holding ability is good.
                                                 X X  This variety has a good plant health and an excellent taste.

                         For further information, including cropping details, contact Sakata UK - Telephone 01205 462810
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