P. 3
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“ “My aambbitionnn forr
o our ttrranssformmmatiion
p plan iis too buiiild aan
o organnisaationnn thaat is oopenn
t to thhee ouutsidde woorldd. In
w whicchh evveryooone feelss
r respooonsibble fffoor sppotttiing
t the trends aand bbblipss on tthe rradaaar thhat aarre
r reinnventting our futuure. EEENGGIE cooommmuniitties
a are the fforcees beeehinnd thhee exxchannnge andd
c creaationn thaat arree drrivinggg ouur Grrrooup’s
t trannsforrmattion. Gennerattingg newww ideeas bbby
c connnectiing tthe eeexceeptionnallyy divvverse anndd
d dynamicc peoople at EENGIIE wwith ooour eexteerrnall
s stakkeholderrs is mmmorre vitttal thhan everr befffoore..”
Isabelle Kocher, CEO of ENGIE