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                          R R REVEEALIINGG THHEE POOWEER OOF

                                    O OURRR COOMMMMUNITIEEES

                      The aim of this brochure is to       diverse in their origins, vocations and
                      promote one of our Group’s           ways of working, these communities,
                      incredible assets, its communities.   made up of constructive, ingenious and
                      ENGIE is lucky to be innately        well-connected people, are hotbeds of
                                                           energy that contribute to ENGIE’s
                      community-oriented. Our two
                                                           vitality and influence.
                      best-known networks, WIN
                                                           It is up to us to spot them, listen to
                      (women) and YPn (young
                                                           them and, where relevant, bring them
                      professionals) started up some       together.
                      ten years ago. And no fewer          Moreover, it is up to us to get the most
                      than 170 communities have been       out of them. Not to create a new
                      launched on Yammer.                  organisational system but to balance
                                                           out the vertical with the horizontal,
                      To begin, we have chosen to showcase   just as fabric exists only through the
                      14 of these communities. Some unusual   interplay of warp and weft. Collective
                      ones that, with an eye to innovation,   intelligence cannot be measured; it is,
                      transformation and open-mindedness,   by its very nature, fragile because it is
                      deserve to be better known, listened to   made up of connections between
                      and encouraged.                      willing people. But we must nurture it
                      Because they can be a powerful driver   more than ever before because ENGIE’s
                      of ideas and business, as well as a   future depends on it.
                      talent spotter and motivator. Extremely

                               Valérie Gaudart,                           Anne Rochon,
                    Director of Culture, Communities and Ecosystems  Communications, Culture and Communities Manager
                           [email protected]                   [email protected]
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