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                                A Ambaassaadoors oooof thhe prroggramm

                                     “I tteacch                 eneergyy”

                 What is the aim of the program?
                 It is a project we launched in 2013 to help primary
                                                                     Cécile Barbier
                 and secondary teachers in France raise awareness
                                                                     Head of the “I teach energy”
                 of young people to energy issues, from the basics   program
                 to methods of energy production, consumption
                                                                         [email protected]
                 and protection. It also aims to help young people
                 understand and choose their future professions.
                 Over 100 teaching resources including fact sheets,
                 videos, graphics and competitions are provided via
                 a special website for education professionals.
                 And the role of its ambassadors?
                 The community runs the program by creating teaching
                 resources based on its energy sector expertise and
                 by supporting teachers in schools. It is called on to
                 go into classes, take part in professional forums and
                 guide groups around industrial plants. Another way
                 of being an ambassador is to liaise with schools
                 and education authorities to promote the program                        *I teach energy
                 in French regions and adapt it to local needs.

                 What does the community involve?
                 We have had up to 450 ambassadors in France, though   Our group of ambassadors is
                 this number has fallen recently. We have just launched
                 a new campaign to raise awareness among Group   completely in step with the direction
                 employees and new retirees. This is especially important   the Group has taken for the coming
                 because the work we are doing is appreciated – in 2016
                 we signed an agreement with the French Department   decades (#Harmony Project),
                 for Education which should be extended this year.   taking action on several fronts
                 The fi gures speak for themselves – 15,000 education
                 professionals use the website, 90% of education   within its educational scope:
                 authorities list it and we make 150 school visits a
                 year, reaching a total of more than 5,000 pupils.  helping pass on knowledge, raising
                                                              awareness among young people,
                 What are your plans?
                 We are redesigning the website to improve both the   teaching them how to use energy
                 style and content of its resources. For example, we plan
                 to work with YouTubers and create escape games.   better and inspiring them to invent
                                                              tomorrow’s technology.”
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