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                                            D D Datta@@ENGGIEE

                 Data@ENGIE launched in
                 2018. What was its aim?
                                                                     Gérard Guinamand
                 The aim is to make data a new asset for the Group,
                                                                     Group Chief Data Offi cer
                 like its plants and its customers. Which, in concrete
                                                                          [email protected]
                 terms, means knowing what data we have access
                 to, without exception, whether this is management
                 data or operational data, of which connected objects
                 give us more and more. It also means knowing where
                 our data is stored, being able to collect it, share and
                 exploit it, enrich it and fi nally, of course, being able
                 to create new products and services based on data.

                 Why create a community?
                 Many people must help make data a new asset
                 for the Group: management to defi ne strategy and
                 use; data and IT specialists to implement it. The
                 community is where we come together, to share and
                 enrich our work. We based it on the Data Scientists
                 community which was set up two years ago.

                 How does it work?
                 The Data@ENGIE programme provides the Group   Data@ENGIE community facilitators
                 with a number of shared resources, particularly
                 the common data hub, which enables us to share   have a particular expertise and content
                 Group and external data, and an AGORA portal   is provided by all members.
                 to share usage examples and algorithms. Data@
                 ENGIE also offers BU transformation support by   One participant can fulfi l all roles.
                 providing advice and expertise in data science.
                                                              Participants start by taking inspiration
                 Any other concrete achievements?             from and watching what is done,
                 We regularly hold challenges, open to all data
                 scientists, to fi nd solutions to a case proposed   before taking part in an event, but
                 by a BU, which agrees to share the problem   must quickly see the point of creating
                 it is facing and its data. It gives the whole
                 community a chance to gain experience and    content for the community.”
                 expertise. We also make webcasts to present
                 technical solutions and achievements.

                   Members of this community come from all Group entities
                 and regions.
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