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E E ENGGIE Innnovaatorrrrs
Who does this community include?
If such a “community” exists, it is made up of
Florence Cariou
ENGIE’s Imaginative Builders. Its members change
Innovation Projects Director
every year because, between December and
fl [email protected]
June, it invites all employees to come and share
their innovative projects at the “Trophées de
l’Innovation” awards. Including all the candidates
and their teams, plus managers, assessors and
event organisers the world over, there are between
2,000 and 3,000 people involved in each cycle.
What is its mission?
Its mission is to promote innovation culture at
ENGIE by providing employees with the opportunity
to spot, share and present their innovations at
the highest level of the Group, and by getting
management on board. Since 2015, our strategy
has been more focused on new businesses.
How does it work?
It is fuelled by a competition of ideas with a very well-
organised selection process. About 500 applications This community is an almost magical
each year are studied by a team of 200 assessors manifestation of the Group’s commitment,
from different backgrounds within the Group.
About 50 projects are selected to be presented to vitality and diversity.
a jury of ENGIE directors and outside fi gures. The
Trophées de l’Innovation awards are presented The Trophées de l’Innovation awards
by Isabelle Kocher at a closing ceremony.
require few resources and generate a great
What connections does it have, sense of collective pride. But it remains
both internally and externally?
This showcase of Group innovations puts the spotlight a fragile state. The community’s vitality
on projects so they can be widely shared and, for lies in a human alchemy built on the good
the 100 best innovations each year, not only within
the Group but also externally. This abundance will and excellence of its managers.”
sparks interest, especially as the assessors and
jury members are the Group’s decision-makers.
Throughout the year, outside the selection process
period, all competition entries received since
2009 are available for consultation, which fosters
networking. We also boost the external visibility of
each cycle’s shortlisted projects via social media,
business events and incubation, for example.