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                                             K Keeyy EExxppeeertts

                 How did the community start?
                 It is made up of 400 Key Experts and the Group’s
                                                                      Jan Mertens
                 fi fteen or so Top Experts in a range of specialities.
                                                                      Group Scientifi c Director and community
                 This label is an offi cial recognition of specialist   co-manager alongside Renata Spada,
                 knowledge in a particular fi eld. The Experts        Group HRD
                 sector is set to expand but as our aim is for            [email protected]
                 every individual’s skills to serve others, we set      [email protected]
                 up cross-sector communities of practice, such as
                 a community on renewable energy. In research,
                 the specialist Labs pursue the same objectives.
                 What are these objectives?
                 Within the Group, the role of Experts is to reply
                 to any specifi c question in a particular fi eld,
                 whether this is about solar panels or the latest
                 generation of wind turbines. Communities of
                 practice and Yammer groups help us respond
                 very quickly and an isolated, non-specialist
                 colleague can get an answer very quickly. Outside
                 the company, their role is to represent the
                 Group through public speaking, publications and
                 active participation in scientifi c conferences. We
                 also play an expert role in other entities than
                 ENGIE, particularly for certifi cations, in French   Within the Group, the role of Experts is to
                 competitiveness clusters and on European projects.
                                                              reply to any specifi c question in a particular
                 A concrete example of an achievement?        fi eld, whether this is about solar panels
                 In terms of our interaction with academia, we set
                 up a scientifi c committee of experts from outside   or the latest generation of wind turbines.
                 the Group, which meets every six months. We
                 submit two topics to eight world-renowned experts.   Outside the company, their role is to
                 The latest topics covered were biomimetics and   represent the Group.”
                 citizens’ acceptance of new technology. A summary
                 of this work was presented at an event for the Key
                 Experts community and the Group’s Top 50 and was
                 followed by an opportunity for informal discussion.
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