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T Thee Chhhange llleaddersss
The Change leaders network was launched
at the end of 2018. What was its aim?
Nadège Lefeuvre
The aim of this community is to bring together all
Transformation Project Manager in the
transformation “doers” – people running concrete Group Transformation Department
projects – so they can get to know each other and
[email protected]
share their experiences in a positive and well-meaning
atmosphere. It also serves to promote and boost all
those who have the courage to launch such initiatives.
Who are these Change leaders?
To date, we have 125 members all from different
backgrounds because we are convinced that inspiration
can come from anywhere. Obviously, this number
is by no means exhaustive and the community
hopes to grow quickly and without limits. We have
also identifi ed other ENGIE communities that are
actively helping the company’s transformation
and we have asked their representatives to join
us and to talk about us within their own networks.
Why Change Leaders? Because they were the fi rst
and they will encourage others to follow them.
How are you planning to make Why Change Leaders?
the network grow?
A year ago we set up an informal community on Because they were the fi rst and
Yammer to start sharing experiences and work they will encourage others to follow them.
together to formulate our ideas on transformation.
We want to carry on involving the network’s This community aims to
members in our most important decisions by promote and boost all those who have the
getting together in person at least twice a year.
courage to launch such initiatives.”
Today, two-thirds of the community is French or Belgian while
the remaining third comes from other countries like the United
Kingdom, Spain, Romania, the United States, Brazil, Chile, Peru,
China and Singapore. Our aim is to represent all Group entities.